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Creation of a website for the ROZE trademark
About the client
The ROZE company is engaged in the production and sale of stylish wallpapers of its own brand, wholesale and retail.
Project objectives
  • Develop a company website, which will present the company's products, in a short time;
  • Develop a project based on an existing site;
  • Increasing brand awareness and loyalty.
To create the site, DOTSENKO.PRO specialists used an existing customer site. It was intended to sell wallpaper from another brand.

The development process consisted of the following steps:

  • Copying functionality from an existing site;
  • Setting up a site for a new brand;
  • Disabling functionality not required in this version;
  • Creation of a separate stage of registration and automation of users.

One of the aspects was that the projects have a common administrative panel, but a registered user, even with the same login and password, must have two different accounts. The email addresses from which letters from the company leave should also be different.

In a month, DOTSENKO.PRO specialists launched a website that fully meets the requirements of the customer.

Get in touch with us

Portugal, Almada,
Charneca de Caparica,
Rua Elisa Pedroso 5
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